Dcp: charge deposition by primary electrons
The charge of primary electrons given to the unit depth of the absorber per incident electron.
De: energy deposition (total)
The energy given to the unit depth of the absorber per incident electron.
Deb: energy deposition via bremsstrahlung
The energy given to the unit depth of the absorber by photo secondaries via bremsstrahlung (radiative) process per incident electron.
Dec: energy deposition via collision
The energy given to the unit depth of the absorber by collision process per incident electron.
hE: energy-reflection ratio of electrons
The ratio of the total energy of electrons reflected from the effectively semi-infinite absorber to the total energy of incident electrons. Also called energy-backscattering coefficient.
hpE: energy-reflection ratio of photons
The ratio of the total energy of photons reflected from the surface of the effectively semi-infinite absorber to the total incident energy of electrons.
hN: number-reflection ratio of electrons
The ratio of the number of electrons reflected from the effectively semi-infinite absorber to the number of incident electrons. In the "Transmission and reflection" mode, the ratios for the slab absorbers are also treated. Also called (number) backscattering coefficient.
k: number-transmission ratio of electrons
The ratio of the number of electrons transmitted by an absorber. Also called (number) transmission coefficient.
r0: continuous slowing-down approximation range
The average pathlength traveled by an electron until it comes to a stop, evaluated by integrating the reciprocal of the stopping power.
Rav: average reach
The average of the maximum depths on the trajectories of electrons. Proposed by the name of the average depth of electron penetration in Ref. 8. Note the difference from zav.
Rex: extrapolated range
The absorber thickness at which the tangent at the steepest point on the almost straight descending portion of the transmission curve (the curve of number-transmission ratio vs thickness) meets the thickness axis. A similar definition can also be made by the use of the integral charge deposition distribution in the semi-infinite absorber.
zav: average penetration depth
The average of the endpoint depths of electrons. Also called projected range. Note the difference from Rav.
inserted by FC2 system